Student Perspective | Surviving a Pandemic

By smsu pr specialist, Sulaimon yussuf

Hello, my name is Sulaimon Yussuf. I am a student at Southwest Minnesota State University Majoring in Computer Science. I work for Students United as a Public Relations Specialist. I have written a blog about how the COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting myself and other students. I asked each student several questions, their answers, as well as my own, are below:

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Sulaimon Yussuf

How did you cope with moving classes online?

Personally, transitioning online wasn't too bad for me because I've taken some online classes, and I did pretty good and I think I'm doing pretty good with the changes too so it's nothing bad it would have just been like much better to have in-person lectures.

How have you been finding ways to socialize?

I've been calling a lot playing a lot of video games with my friends online I'm just checking up on a lot of people.

Has the pandemic been affecting your emotional and financial strain?

Yes, the pandemic has affected me emotionally and financially in different ways. For tuition, I haven't been able to receive money from back home from my parents. I've only really been living on my paycheck from school because I work at IT at the college. A paycheck from that is not a lot to live on.

Have you been spending more time with family or communicating more?

I've been calling family a lot my mom my dad my sisters some of my mom's family relations too just checking up on them getting calls see how the pandemic is doing over where they are.

Have you been keeping up with the day to day updates about the pandemic?

I've been watching a lot of news using social media seeing the latest updates on the numbers of people getting call Vince people being healed from the treatment they've been trying out and Google a lot.

What activities have you been doing while you been at home?

I've been mainly doing homework, quizzes, classes, exams, play some video games, working out, and just being alive staying sane in these hard times.

Adeyemi Adelakun


How did you cope with moving classes online?

It was quite easily most of my classes were already online, so it was just normal for me the only class I had in class which was pretty much in a hybrid class where we did some stuff online something class, so this was pretty easy move online.

How have you been finding ways to socialize?

I've been playing a lot of games with my friends call me on my friends some of my coworkers I'm just going for walks.

Has the pandemic been affecting your emotional and financial strain?

The pandemic has been affecting my emotional and financial strength because everything is pretty much quite intense and then there's that unknown factor and there's no motivation to do a lot of work papers. perfecting Maine in different financial ways which I did not wish to speak about and emotionally has me thinking about what to do next.

Have you been keeping up with the day to day updates about the pandemic?

I try to watch as much news as I can and also go on social media check out the trending topics and Google just looks what's the new update on the numbers of COVID-19 patients are looking like.

What activities have you been doing while you been at home?

I've just been trying to get finish well with this semester focusing more on my homework exams papers I'm just trying to get good grades.

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Adeola Tomi

The pandemic took all the steam out of my graduation it was a huge disappointment to find out that I won't have a commencement ceremony, but I've tried to look on the bright side and still celebrate my accomplishments.

How did you cope with moving classes online?

Moving classes online was really difficult for me because I do best with in-class experiences. I've found that I'm unmotivated to complete my work now that it's so informal.

How have you been finding ways to socialize?

I try to use social media to socialize and to make the best of my time with my girlfriend and my roommates, it's been difficult being in the same space with people all the time.

Has the pandemic been affecting your emotional and financial strain?

My finances are doing okay because my job has continued paying me my wage in quarantine. My emotional headspace is been okay, but cabin fever is getting to me now.

Have you been spending more time with family or communicating more?

I've definitively been talking to my family in Nigeria almost every day.

Have you been keeping up with the day to day updates about the pandemic?

I always try to keep up with the news, so I've definitely been following the pandemic

What activities have you been doing while you been at home?

I watch a lot of TV and hang out with my friends and girlfriend. I also try to stay active by running outside so I'm not indoors all day.