nominations for officer elections

Nominations for the positions of State Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer open Monday, February 13th. For more information on the roles and responsibilities of this position please see the Students United Bylaws.  

The term for these positions will be from July 1st, 2017 until June 30th, 2018

you can be nominated in three ways:

  1. Nominated by the Board of Directors or Delegates at our February Delegates Assembly.
  2. Nominate yourself and apply! (this is not uncommon; several former State Chairs have done this) 
  3. At our April Delegates Conference, State Chair nominations from the Board of Directors, for students who were not previously nominated or did not submit materials, can be allowed by a 2/3 vote of the body, prior to the beginning of the candidate questions. In the case of Vice Chair and Treasurer, the nominations can be made by the delegates and would still require the 2/3 vote of the body.

what to do once you are nominated:

Nominated or interested candidates should submit the following items to the Students United office at by no later than Thursday, March 2nd: 

  • A personal statement that addresses reasons for desiring the officer position, any goals that the candidate has for the organization, and any other information that may be pertinent to the election process
  • A current academic transcript (unofficial is acceptable)
  • A current resume
  • At least one letter of recommendation (optional) 

elections date:

Elections for State Chair will be held during the Board of Directors meeting on Saturday, April 1st.  

Elections for Vice Chair and Treasurer will be held during the Spring Delegates Assembly on Saturday, April 1st.

For more information on officer elections please see the Students United Board Policy and Procedures or contact Executive Director Elsbeth Howe (