Aug 3, 2022Welcome, Kaileigh!Hi Everyone! I’m Kaileigh Weber. I use she/her/hers pronouns in all spaces. I am thrilled and honored to serve as the Students United...
Jul 5, 2022Welcome, Ben!I am excited to announce that I will be joining Students United as the organization’s Director of Government Relations. As an alumni of...
Jul 1, 2022See You Later, Arnavee!Salutations, I am a little emotional as today (July 1st) marks the first day of not serving as the Vice Chair of Students United, but I...
Jun 30, 2022See You Later, Pierre!Hi friends! Whoops, that’s State Chair Zellmer’s line! Students United! Students United! Wow! This year was incredible to get to know my...
Jun 28, 2022See You Later, Devin!My good people (or whoever), Students United, known in my time as a student as MSUSA, has been an incredible adventure. After three years...